Disaster Resources

New Jersey Fire Insurance

June 2, 2021

Do You Need Fire Insurance in New Jersey?

Whether you're a homeowner or business owner, your property is at risk of being damaged by an accidental fire or wildfire. Protect your New Jersey property with the right fire insurance. Work with an independent insurance agent to shop insurance policies and find the best coverage to protect your home and assets.

New Jersey Storm Insurance

May 25, 2021

New Jersey Storm Insurance

Being on the coast, New Jersey is unfortunately prone to several types of storms. This makes it extra-important that your home and other property are guarded against the natural elements in case of disaster. That’s why it’s critical to find the right storm insurance with your New Jersey independent insurance agent.

Hurricane approaching east coast

May 25, 2021

How to Stay Safe during a New Jersey Hurricane

Hurricanes don't wait until you're ready before they strike. You might not have the luxury of being in your home when the storm hits, so it's important to know how to be prepared for a hurricane no matter where you are. Check out these important safety tips to keep your family protected through every phase of the storm.

Waves during moody sunrise at Belmar fishing pier in New Jersey as hurricane approaches

May 25, 2021

Checklist: How to Prepare for a Hurricane in New Jersey

Hurricanes strike on their time, not yours. That's why it's so important to be prepared to keep yourself and your family safe no matter where you are when disaster strikes. Following this checklist of action steps through every phase of the storm can seriously increase your chances of surviving a New Jersey hurricane.

Hurricane, Windstorm and Named Storm Deductibles in New Jersey Homeowners Insurance Policies

March 23, 2021

Hurricane, Windstorm and Named Storm Deductibles

Hurricane, windstorm and named storm deductibles: when do they apply? how do they work? and how can New Jersey homeowners be sure they have the homeowners insurance protection they need in case of storm damage.